Code of Conduct

of the KERN-LIEBERS Group

Code of Conduct

We, the companies of the KERN-LIEBERS Group, take our corporate and social responsibilities very seriously and firmly believe that the long-term economic success of our companies requires a binding system of values. For this reason, we assume that our employees, customers, suppliers and business partners base their conduct and behavior on the following principles. The role of our executives here is to lead by example. Under certain circumstances, infringements may lead to consequences, including in contractual relations.



Products and Laws

  • We make every effort to ensure that our high-quality products satisfy the interests of our customers in the best possible way. We work continuously on innovation and improvement and examine potential cost savings.
  • We adhere to the legal provisions applicable to us, including any export and import restrictions.
  • We also expressly observe the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and support its enforcement, in particular through the Global Compact Initiative.

Working Conditions

  • We reject any form of forced or child labor and arecommitted to fair and safe working conditions.• We oppose any form of discrimination, in particularon grounds of nationality, ethnic origin, belief system,sexual orientation, religion, gender, age or disability.
  • We stand for equal opportunity and cultural diversity.We want our employees to be able to develop theirskills and qualifications accordingly.
  • We guarantee the right to freedom of association inaccordance with statutory provisions.• We ensure that working hours and working conditionsare at least in conformity with the statutory provisionsor negotiated agreements applicable to us.

Confidentiality, intellectual property, data protection and data security

  • We ensure that both our own company and businesssecrets and those of our customers, suppliers andbusiness partners are protected. We understand thatin our relations with our customers and suppliers,we have as a rule committed ourselves to strictconfidentiality, and we act accordingly, particularly inour approach to access permissions.
  • We respect the intellectual property of third parties.
  • We adhere to the data protection laws applicable tous and to the IT policies and standards in place at ourcompany. We back up our work regularly in a mannerthat ensures that it remains usable for the company.


We use natural resources sparingly and efficiently,work to protect the environment and adhere tothe legal provisions governing environmentalprotection and nature conservation. We promotethe development and distribution of environmentallyfriendly technologies and processes.

Anti-Corruption, Competition and Conflicts of interest

  • We stand for fair competition and oppose all formsof corruption and bribery. We observe the lawsgoverning the protection of competition.
  • We avoid conflicts of interest or resolve themproactively. We make our decisions on the basisof objective and performance-based criteria, andnot solely on the basis of the benefit to us or thoseassociated with us.



Schramberg, 01 May 2017 The Management Board



Dr. Udo Schnell

President and CEO

Dirk Heers

Managing Director CTO

Klaus Scheuble

Managing Director CFO

Jürgen Brielmaier

Managing Director
Business Unit
Stamped-bent Parts and

Dr. Martin Köchling

Managing Director
Business Unit
Strip Springs

Stefan Tschugmell

Managing Director
Business Unit
Wire and Springs

Felix Reichardt

Managing Director
Business Unit
Stamped Parts

Reinhard Höfer

Speaker Business Unit
Textile Machine Components



The Workers‘ Council of the KERN-LIEBERS Group



Fred Zehnder

Chairman of the
Workers‘ Council of the