Social Responsibility

We are committed to society, health, culture and sports.

Social Resonsibility

KERN-LIEBERS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED strives to create value for people.

The company serves to enhance value in safety, health & education by providing basic support to the people living in localities surrounding our business operations.

Through the CSR strategy, KERN-LIEBERS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED will continue to make need-based, focused, and exhaustive interventions in identified issues for the economically and socially disadvantaged sections of the society.

The company will focus its CSR initiatives in localities surrounding its business operations especially for the schools, hostels, hospitals, self-help groups, non-government organizations in the field of social work and community services in and around Tumkur District in the areas of :


Safety & Health

Skill Development

Education & Environment

Basic Needs, etc.


In addition, the Company will continue to voluntarily participate in environmental issues/national disaster management and prevention depending upon where they occur and its own ability to respond meaningfully


Mr. Dattatray Haribhau Nagale 


Managing Director 



 CSR policy for KL-IN is attached here

Donation of laptops and computers

Kern-Liebers donated laptops and computers to various schools, NGOs and police stations.

Donation of Solar Heater

Kern-Liebers India donated a Solar Water Heater to Indian Red Cross Society, a voluntary humanitarian organisation to protect human life and health.

Blood Donation Camp-2018

Kern-Liebers India arranged blood donation camp and employees voluntarily participated in in the camp.

Blood Donation Camp-2019

Kern Liebers India in Association with Shree Siddaganga Hospital and research Centre, Tumakuru organized a Blood Donation Camp on 5th Aug 2019.

It is believed that there is a shortage of almost 50% of Blood in Tumkur alone. KLIN joined hands with SHRC to help the patients in need. This also commemorated the MOU signed in between the two organizations.


A total of 55 units of blood was collected and 49 units were considered for use. 

Donation of Laptops and Computers

Kern Liebers India donated Laptops and Computers to various nearby Government Schools. This helps the students of Governement school children to access of computers for learning computer education which is one of necessity.