News from KERN-LIEBERS India
Quality Month Celebration 2022
Quality month celebrations are conducted across the world in most organizations to bring in “Quality” consciousness to all its employees. Kern-Liebers India also celebrated the Quality Month in November 2022 with the theme “Quality Conscience- Doing the Right Thing”.
The Kickoff Ceremony was held on 2nd Nov 2022. The Head of Quality initiated the proceedings with introducing the audience to the History and Importance of Quality Month Celebration. It was followed by an Address by MD and other members of the Senior Management. The Kickoff Ceremony was concluded with all Employees taking the Quality Oath.
Various programs like Quiz Competition, Slogan Writing, Drawing Competition were organized along with Training Sessions, Awareness programs and Knowledge sharing mails etc. All the employees participated actively in the month-long celebrations and the Winners were honored during the Quarterly Communication Meeting Held on 25th Jan 2023.