Road Safety Week Celebration in KL-IN 2023
In today's world road and transport has become an integral part-of every human being. Everybody is a road user in one shape or the other. The present transport system has minimized the distances, but it has on the other hand increased the life risk.
With millions of lives endangered worldwide, Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) rank alarmingly high in the recent trends of pressing social issues. Approximately 328 lives are lost daily, much of which could have been prevented with timely rescue and intervention. Despite the innumerable road safety campaigns and awareness drives, India still ranks first in the number of road accident deaths across 199 countries and accounts for almost 11% of all accident- related deaths in the world. Despite global stagnancy and uncertainty owing to the Covid 19 pandemic and consequent lockdown, road accidents have managed to claim 29,415 lives just between March and June 2020, with an additional 51970 casualties. Clearly, road safety continues to be a major developmental and public health concern, acting as a leading cause of death and injuries worldwide.
Therefore, it becomes very important for all of us to know, follow and practice all the Road Safety Procedures and Rules. Man behind the wheel plays an important role in most of the crashes. In most of the cases crashes occurs either due to carelessness or due to lack of road safety awareness of the road user. Hence, road safety education is as essential as any other basic skills of survival.
Our aim is to provide road safety information for road users to encourage safer road user behavior among current and prospective road users and reduce the number of people killed and injured on our roads every year.
With this Aim, KL India celebrated the 34th Road Safety Week from 11th to 17th Jan 2023 on the theme “SAVE YOURSELF, TO SAVE YOUR FAMILY”