News from KERN-LIEBERS India
Participation in National Safety Day- 2022
Ker-Liebers India participated in the 51st National Safety Day Celebrations held in Bangalore on Friday, 4th Mar 2022. The event was organized by the Karnataka State Safety Institute and the Department of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health, Government of Karnataka. Management of Kern-Liebers India was invited to the celebration and Mr Uwe Georg Fischer, MD-KLIN was one of the Chief Guests of the day and also inaugurated the proceedings by lighting the lamp.
Mr Govindaraju NS- Head of HR and Mr Ravikumar Habib- Head of EOHS also participated in the celebrations that included Safety Walk, Flag-hoisting, an award ceremony and skits related to occupational Health and Safety. Mr Fischer addressed the gathering on the importance of Safety and Health in the Work Environment.
Kern-Liebers India has been an active participant in the annual celebration since 2017 and has also received multiple awards in the category of Best Organization, Best Worker, and Best HR in the preceding years.