A complete service, from analysis to manufacturing.
Connection technologies
Caulking is a very cost-effective and easy way to join two workpieces together.
The plastic deformation it produces is based on a form-locked and friction-locked connection.
Caulking is suitable for all materials that can be deformed plastically, such as plastics and metals. These properties mean that different materials can be joined together.

Depending on the application, KERN-LIEBERS can incorporate threaded pins, bushings and nuts into your products as part of the completion process for the assembly. Force is generally monitored during the introduction of these fasteners, which can be fully integrated into production equipment and tools or carried out at separate workstations.
Depending on the specific component requirements, the design and selection of components is either flush with the surface of the component, for the transmission of high torques, traction or ejection forces, or to save space and weight.
In conjunction with special testing systems, our automated processes guarantee 100% quality of the connection.
The benefit to you is a versatile, robust, constructive and universally applicable way to integrate fittings or fasteners cost-effectively into components.

Resistance welding can be used to join two electrically conductive materials together without the addition of any other material. In this process, large currents are passed by two electrodes for a short period to the components to be connected. The transfer resistance at the contact zone leads to heating, further increasing the resistance, which then leads to the melting of the contact zone and the welding of the components.
The power source used can be both direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) or the discharge from a capacitor (CD).
Capacitor pulse welding in particular can achieve very large currents (500 kA) in very short exposure times. This results in very low heat input and distortion. In resistance welding with DC or AC current, the welding current is supplied by a transformer.
The small contact zone is produced by the electrodes during spot and seam welding.
In projection welding, the contact zone is on the component itself.
With this technology, KERN-LIEBERS is able to join parts made of different materials and with different thicknesses with virtually no distortion in highly productive automated facilities.

In contrast to cold riveting, hot riveting forms the rivet head at high temperatures. The rivet is brought to red heat and then deformed.
On cooling, the rivet contracts, pressing the riveted parts together. This produces a frictionally engaged connection in which the rivet should not absorb any shear forces.
The heating of the rivet can be done in various ways. The rivet can be positioned while cold and then heated by a high current flow. At the same time, the water-cooled electrodes also take care of the deformation work.
Fully automatic assembly systems with in-line process control at
high cycle frequencies.
Examples of current assembly applications
- Pressing
- Riveting
- Screwing
- Bonding

Industry applications


Electrical engineering

Building services engineering

Consumer goods

Mechanical engineering and equipment manufacturing

Medical technology
